⭐Product Details
1️⃣ A2 Sized Poster: High-quality, easy to hang
2️⃣Sticker Sheets: 30 duas using 30 names of Allah, plus random Eid and Ramadan stickers
1️⃣Daily Dua: Children stick a sticker (on the poster) with a name of Allah and dua each day of Ramadan
2️⃣Learning Allah’s Names: Children learn one name of Allah daily during Ramadan
3️⃣Praying with Allah’s Names: Children pray to Allah using one name daily during Ramadan (with mother’s guidance children can internalize the duas during iftar)
4️⃣Daily Activities: Mothers plan activities with children using each day’s name of Allah
6️⃣Memorization: Children memorize 30 names of Allah by the end of Ramadan, In Sha Allah
6️⃣Post-Ramadan Use: Poster can be reused for daily activities and name revision after Ramadan
7️⃣Beneficial for Mothers: Easy memorization of Allah’s names and daily dua practice during Ramadan
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